Sunday, December 20, 2009

college politricks!

" politics is now considered to be a bad game by most people" i heard my sister read out this sentence loudly from some textbook she has to study in her 10th std.maybe she increased her volume a little in this part to bring that to my notice; just because i'm a little into the so called college politics!

"politics is now considered to be a bad game by most people". now keeping the 8085 microprocessor book i had in hand aside i began to think over this sentence. who created this sentence? why did he do so? what made him think so? a lot of such questions that maybe each of you might have thought of before! and are you people satisfied completely with the answers that your brain/heart gave you? ooh ok .even if you are i dont care because i'm not!

college politics has turned out to be a trend among the students.take an example of some class and you see that about 55% of the students back students federation of india a.k.a Sfi, 30% kerala students union a.k.a Ksu while the remaining 15% hold a varied political view. almost more than 75% of each class is into this so called college politics! in certain colleges even teachers are much into politics! not my college its seen that this politics thingy is much popular in government engineering colleges, arts colleges, science colleges etc.the so called private colleges' manegement suppress the growth of political parties, students unions etc because they know that it maynot do them good in future!

college life has moved on and first day at college was like everyone elses'.was fun.hardly 5 days since the start of the classes some 5 to 6 people came to my class which i later understood to be sfi people who gave us a syllabus book with sfi printed on its cover! they spoke to us about the things they have done in all colleges including our college and asked people who are interested to join them in their social activities.maybe more than half of the students in my class were moved by their speech or what (yeah their speech was impressive, i have to agree that)..i saw more than 33 in my class hold hands with them!soon strikes took over.maybe students prefer sfi over ksu because of this.hehe.maybe.because strikes by ksu are almost negilible compared to those by the communists!

the cochin university of science and technology's academic council member elections are to be held on the coming january 6th and as a part of the campaigning ermm ...or rather convincing the candidates came to my college.the communist spoke first.he talked about the concerns regarding the special supplies and so on.everyone listened.rather pretended.soon the congressman's turn came.the communists in my class, without caring the teacher standing in walked out! the candidate was least affected by that.he spoke well ...pretty better than the communist!from his speech we unserstood that these parties, as in the winning party is alloted a sum of rupees 10 lakhs by the govt for their activities and all.oh my god.thats a huge sum.what are they doing with it?noone knows except the people who gain from that. :P and after the plead both left our its all in our hands.the students' hands!rajeev v.j is the for him \m/ ! whoever wins ...let it do me (see how selfish i'm :P hehe)... ermm us gud!